Memories of travel and everyday life during the formative years are particularly salient because they had an impact on individuals personally, in contrast to the major historical events that were experienced mostly through media images. The analysis revealed that generational formative referents were based on personal experiences with friends and family and on comparing economic, education, and employment opportunities during the formative years with present-day conditions. Thus, individuals translated macro-level historical and environmental influences into meanings that had personal relevance, such as the influence of their mother working had on their family life, and, in turn, their family’s travel behavior. Previous research has given limited consideration to how these macro referents translate at the micro or personal level. The focus group analysis suggests eight key formative referents: (1) friends; (2) family; (3) religious affiliations; (4) socioeconomic circumstances; (5) education opportunities; (6) employment opportunities; (7) the economy; and (8) society’s value.