The respondents for the study were selected from the production area. There were 32
respondents who answered questionnaires regarding ergonomics awareness and reported their body pains through Body Parts
Symptom Survey (BPSS) included in the 5-scale Likert questionnaires. Based on the self-reported survey, 7 subjects were chosen
to be observed through Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). Evaluation of ergonomic awareness on MMH amongst workers
on research area shows that they possess a moderate ergonomics awareness level (mean score 2.97). The BPSS used in this
research provides the insight of discomfort issue amongst workers. Nine workers who are working at loading and collection bay
were detected to have LBP and MSD problem symptoms. Based on RULA observations on work stations and MMH motions, it
was found that the MMH methods used is on level 4. This means that the current method employed should be investigated and
immediate changes should be applied. It is recommended that the management should put more effort to increase workers
ergonomics awareness especially during MMH activities, to re-examine the MMH activities and redesign the work flow or the