Assignment Submission Format
All assignment problems should follow this format. This format is used for most professional
engineering work. The paper must be A4 size without lines.
1. Cover page : Write the following information from top to bottom
- Subject ID and Name
- Assignment no.
- Due date and time
- Student name and ID
2. Headers : The top of each sheet of paper that you use for a homework assignment should
contain the following information from left to right
- Put the staple to the far left
- Write the course name or number
- Write your name
- Write the page number/total number of pages
3. Writing mechanics
- Written in clear and legible cursive
- Use pen only
- Neat and clean
4. Calculation : all homework calculations should
- Include a brief text description for each of the major calculations steps (e.g., “perform a
mass balance on component A”)
- Include all units for each term in each equation and the units must balance
- Use the appropriate (or at least reasonable) number of significant figures for all numbers
- Clearly indicate the final solution by boxing it in with a rectangle
5. Problem order : Problem should be presented
- In the order assigned (one, two, three, etc.)
- With a new problem starting on a new page of paper
- Using only the front side of each sheet of paper
6. Problem Essentials : problem solutions should include the following items in order :
- Homework problem number listed at the beginning of problem
- The given information – summary of the information that will be used to solve the
- The required information – the information or solution that we are looking for
- References for all additional data required to solve the problem (e.g., specific heat )
- A straight-edge diagram or diagrams that clearly illustrate the problem
- The solution of the problem including all required steps and calculations
- Graph and table – use graphing software or graph paper if using spreadsheets such as
Excel, pay careful attention to formatting (e.g., background, data point and line )
7. Evaluation : Double-check all of your calculations to make sure that
- All of your math is correct
- All of your calculations are correct
- All of your units balance
- Your final answer is reasonable