Construction and demolition (C&D) debris is generated from the construction,
renovation, or demolition of a structure. This waste stream has become a concern across
the United States. Recycling is often seen as a solution, but questions remain regarding
the size of the debris stream, market availability for recycled waste materials, the
environmental impacts from management methods, and how to encourage recycling.
A materials flow analysis was performed to estimate the amount of C&D debris
generated from the amount of construction materials consumed each year. It found that
approximately 0.8 – 1.3 x 109 Mg were generated in 2002. While this type of estimate
accounts for materials consumed, current assumptions used may result in larger amounts
than the amount actually generated. The size and location of recycled C&D debris
materials markets were investigated to determine if C&D debris recycling programs
across the US are possible. Sufficient market capacity exists for concrete and wood, but
there is not sufficient market for asphalt shingles and drywall faces competition from