Colleen Pearce ~ K-8 Faculty Curriculum Leader for Art
"Art brings a new state of mind."
~Will Kline, Lincoln School student
Artists express their vision through their knowledge of principles, use of a range of media, and utilization of techniques. In our art program for K-8 students, we engage students in realizing their own artistic vision by teaching them principles of art, involving them in a variety of media, and instructing them in artistic techniques. As students grow and develop their skills, they use their knowledge to create art for self-expression, aesthetic beauty, graphic needs, or functional objects. In the early grades, there is an emphasis on the basics using content familiar to the students, such as self-portraits, the seasons of the year, and common objects. As students continue their art education, they combine skills, imagination, and ideas to create more detailed pieces and they become able to explain their artistic decisions.
The art program is aligned with the 10 national and state standards for visual arts. The following description of Learning Expectations is organized in three grade spans. Each grade span has key outcomes for all ten standards. Key outcomes represent the most important learning in a standard at a specific grade level and they provide a focus for assessing student progress. Many artistic projects involve several standards at once and the assessment of one key outcome might well include other key outcomes. This curriculum is a living document, used by teachers to guide instruction and direct assessment. Key outcomes may be revised in the next school year based on the results we observe in student learning and consideration for what is most important to learn at a particular developmental level.
Click on the links below to view the Learning Expectations in each grade span.
Art Learning Expectations
Grades K-3