Two-thirds of Ringinkembar Village‟s total population is poor people, so to meet their daily food needs are extremely difficult and limited. To solve it, one of government‟s strategies is implementing Food Independent Village Program. This program focuses on the effort to empower community in order to achieve food security and alleviate poverty. The research method used was descriptive method with qualitative approach. The selection of key informants is done by purposive sampling and data was analyzed using interactive data analysis model by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that: (1) before implementing these programs, the food security condition was proved very low and vulnerable. (2) The entire process of rural community empowerment was done through four stages and successfully run by the poor household, especially in strengthening food security system and developing productive business. (3) The supporting factors, namely: the awareness, participation, and support from community; local wisdom; support and cooperation of related agencies; and integration with other community empowerment programs. While, the inhibiting factors, namely: lack of skill; limited number of village administrators; limited social assistance fund; and risk of disease and death of Etawa goat.