The feeding movement can be realized as an open
loop control by giving constant, user-defined feeding
steps at fixed time intervals. Fig. 4 shows the constant
steps and the occurring force at the honing stone. The
axial oscillation causes longitudinal deformations in the
honing tool and so the axial position of the feeding cone
to the tool body is not totally fixed between the feeding
steps. This movement between feeding cone and honing
stone makes the force between tool and workpiece
oscillating as visible at the right part of the figure.
At the beginning of the process, the surface roughness
of the bore is slightly higher due to former process steps.
With the decreasing roughness over the process, the
material removal rate also decreases. The feeding rate in
contrast stays constant, because the height of the feeding
steps and the times between them are constant. This
causes an increase in the axial cone force over the
honing of each workpiece as visible at the right part of