BBC Outreach & Corporate Responsibility brings the BBC closer to its audiences - particularly those audiences we have identified as harder to reach - with face-to-face activity, community support and staff volunteering. We also hold the relationship with the voluntary sector for the BBC.
We lead on the BBC’s corporate responsibility reporting, while telling the story of the outreach work carried out across the organisation. We produce publications throughout the year, including the annual BBC Corporate Responsibility Performance Review, regular CR Updates focusing on a particular area of our work in the field and a newsletter - you can read our recent reports or sign up to our e-newsletter here.
We're currently based at the Mailbox, Birmingham with members of staff in Bristol, Birmingham, Newcastle and London.
We manage a national volunteering scheme that allows our staff to work with charities and community organisations around the UK.
We help programme makers produce content which harder to reach audiences will find relevant and enjoy. We also try to ensure that the BBC has a positive impact in areas where we are a large employer - primarily Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham, Salford and Greater Manchester. We support the BBC's City Partnership in Bristol with an active outreach programme..
In recent years we have sought to give partnership activity a higher profile and working in partnership has become central to our strategy. Working in partnership is not without its challenges and our approach is evolving as we learn what works and offers best public value.