“Teachers and supervisors often tell us the importance
of caring in our future career life, but little is mentioned
about how to care and we are seldom taught about these
knowledge. The delivery of care in clinical practice includes
caring related theory, knowledge, skills, attitudes,
the art of caring…, all these should and can be taught
and learned in school as well as in practice. The profession
cannot empower us with the ability to provide care
for patients from the beginning, we must be trained
first”. (group 1)
“Teachers and supervisors often tell us the importanceof caring in our future career life, but little is mentionedabout how to care and we are seldom taught about theseknowledge. The delivery of care in clinical practice includescaring related theory, knowledge, skills, attitudes,the art of caring…, all these should and can be taughtand learned in school as well as in practice. The professioncannot empower us with the ability to provide carefor patients from the beginning, we must be trainedfirst”. (group 1)
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