When using the capacity approach, the Team, in Sprint Planning Part Two, calculates how much time
each team member has for Sprint-related work. Most teams assume that the team members can only
focus on Sprint-related work for 4-6 hours per day – the rest of the time goes to email, lunch breaks,
facebook, meetings, and drinking coffee . Once the capacity is determined, the Team needs to figure
out how many Product Backlog items they can complete in that time, and how they will go about
completing them. This often starts with a design discussion at a whiteboard. Once the overall design
is understood, the Team decomposes the Product Backlog items into fine-grained work. Before taking
the Product Backlog items, the Team may focus on generating tasks for an improvement goal created
in the previous Sprint’s Retrospective. Then, the Team selects the first item on the Product Backlog –
the Product Owner’s highest priority item – and work their way down until they are ‘full’. For each
item they create a list of work which consists of either decomposed Product Backlog items into tasks
or, when the Product Backlog item are so small they would only take a couple hours to implement,
simply the Product Backlog item. This list of work to be done during the Sprint is called the Sprint
Backlog (Figure 4 and Figure 5).