A hair tress of an Asian woman was obtained from a local salon.
It was cut into four swatches of the tresses with approximately the length of 10 cm and the weight of 5 g.
A swatch without washing served as the control.
Other three tresses were washed with the commercial and formulated shampoos in an identical manner.
For each cycle, each tress was shaken with the mixture of 10 g of a sample and 15 g of
water in a conical flask for 2 min and then rinsed with 50 mL water.
Afterward, each tress was left for air drying at room temperature.
The tresses were washed for maximum ten cycles.
The conditioning performance of the shampoos i.e. smoothness and softness, was evaluated by a blind touch test, administered to twenty randomly selected student volunteers(Boonme et al., 2011).
All the students were blind folded and asked to touch and rate the four tresses for conditioning performance from score 1 to 4 (1 ¼ poor; 2 ¼ satisfactory; 3 ¼ good; 4 ¼ excellent).