Hello my dear Kan !
I am very pleased to receive your quick answer.
I have for the moment no VIber whatsapp or Skype, I must arrange such things as it seems useful. I do not even know what is TIMELINE ???
My trip to asia was quite nice . I also visited Malaysia again and Vietnam. Vietnam not bad and very different. A very young country with many young people and many motorbikes!
For the moment it is summer and summer holidays in my country and also in Asia , it is rain season, so maybe I will come again later, after a few months.
I am trying to build a long term relationship and consequently I only try to meet a woman when we will be already very close, when we understand each other and when we are ready for couple life. I do not try to make many meetings!
It would be nice and useful to exchange more questions, more answers and more photos so that we can become closer, close enough to justify a real meeting.
Try to tell me what you have to give and what you expect in return...
Feel free to tell and to ask!