Most of these models for routing green vehicles consider quite a
small number of parameters without looking at the complex influence
of sub-parameters on the algorithms for routing vehicles and on the
final decision. For example, to reduce the energy requirements of vehicle
routing, Bektas and Laporte (2011) described a comprehensive
emissions model that takes into account load and speed. Kara et al.
(2007) defined an energy-minimizing VRP that minimizes the weighted
load rather than a distance based objective function. Kuo (2010) proposed
a model to calculate the total fuel consumption for the timedependent
VRP. Xiao et al. (2012) extended the capacitated vehicle
routing problemby taking into account travel distance and load impacts
on fuel costs. Ćirović et al. (2014) and Jovanović et al. (2014) took into
account the logistics operating costs and environmental parameters,
and so on.