As touch based input becomes more popular in mobile devices, there is an increasing need for haptic feedback on key-less input surface. Four experiments were conducted to design and evaluate identifiable emulated key-click signals using a piezoelectric actuator. Experiments I and II assessed the information transmission capacity for the amplitude, frequency, and number of cycles of raised cosine waveforms used to drive the piezo actuators under fixed- and roving-background conditions, respectively. Experiment III estimated the total information transfer for all three parameters. The results were used to reduce the number of stimulus alternatives in the key-click signal set with the goal to achieve perfect identification performance. Experiment IV verified that up to 5 to 6 identifiable key-click signals could be achieved with the experimental setup. The present study outlines an information theoretic approach to conducting identification experiments to guide the design of and to evaluate a perfectly identifiable stimulus set. The methodology can be applied to other applications in need of perceptually identifiable stimulation patterns.