Some of you may have noticed that the current product hierarchy does not provide a product group code for ‘subsystems’ as it was the case in the previous product hierarchy. In fact ‘subsystems’ is not a product, but a project consisting of different elements (e.g. conveyor + services like engineering, installation + third party products like controls or steel elements). To split budgeted subsystems in this manner would require very good and specific subsystems knowledge and is therefore not a realistic option yet.
Having discussed the issue with Dr. Ralf Garlichs, Head of PT, we agreed that SU’s shall report budgeted subsystems for this budget cycle 2016 under the Cognos product group code C1ZA ‘Conveyor 3rd pty’ (and in SAP under product group CVZA). Please make sure all budgeted subsystems are reported in the sales budget under this product group code. Should you have any questions or remarks don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.