TAIHEI was born in Tokyo and spent his childhood in America. From around 2003, he started to present his artworks featuring the “Art of the Internet age.” His artworks have been exhibited not only virtually on the web but also in real art spaces such as galleries and art museums. The largest work in his “Bookshelf” series works, which used loads of paperback books, was purchased by Tadao Ando, who is a world-famous architect. He is also known for various projects all over the world such as installing a huge piece of “Bookshelf” series work to the wall of a cafe-bar in NY and exhibiting works permanently at a gallery in Stockholm, Sweden. His latest web-projects including ‘TENKA TAIHEI Project ver.2′, which fuses a free-style of Haiku and the newest internet system at the present time, are waiting to be launched soon.