Now, he can logon to his computer.
I want to delete just only "NC000188". User account "WA02800875" still needed. Last week I think, his account was disable by someone, because he had put the correct password but the systems show "account is disable".
After you enable his account and send me an e-mail. He still can't logon. I've installation the new Wins7 by UA and setting this computer. It's ok on Friday. He can work and send/receive e-mail.
Today, I don't know why. His account can't logon to his computer again. we put the correct password, but can't logon. therefore I've sent the EEPC application form to DRX-user-services. During a waiting feedback.
I tried to put 3-4 times and restart many times after that I can logon to computer. I don't know again. Why? I don't do anything else. Now he can used and working with his computer, already.
Sorry, for the inconvenience. realy, I never seen this problem.