1NF See first normal form.
2NF See second normal form.
3NF See third normal form.
80/20-rule In the Dynamic Systems Development Method, the assumption that 80-percent
of an application’s features will take 20-percent of the project’s total time to implement. (The 80/20-rule often applies to other situations, too. For example, 80 percent of the bugs are usually contained in 20-percent of the code.)
acceptance test A test to determine whether the finished application meets the requirements.Normally, a user or other customer representative sits down the with application and runs through all the use cases you identified during the requirements gathering phase to make sure everything works as advertised.
activation See execution specification.
activity diagram In UML, a diagram that represents work flows for activities. They include several kinds of symbols connected with arrows to show the direction of the work fl ow.
adaptive development model A development model that enables you to change the
project’s goals if necessary during development.
administrator Someone who manages the development team’s computers, network, and other
tools. Also called a system administrator.
advisor user Any user who brings an important viewpoint to the project.
agile development A development model where you initially provide the fewest possible
features at the lowest fi delity to still have a useful application. Over time, you add more features and improve existing features until all features have been implemented at full fi delity.
Agile Manifesto A set of four guiding principles for agile development. In brief the
principles are:
➤ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
➤ Working software over comprehensive documentation
➤ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
➤ Responding to change over following a plan