Parts III: Believes of mother's it content 9 items, A three – point likert rating scale is
used to measure 1for No, 2 descriptive study carried out to assess mother's practices
and believes with newborn jaundice,: The present study was conducted in Babylon
maternal and child hospital between October 2 2011 to15 march 2012, purposive
sample conducted on (200) mothers who attending and the hospital with their child, A
questionnaire was developed by researcher for the purpose of this study, mainly to
assess mother's practice and believes regarding newborn jaundice. The questionnaire
consists of three parts: for some time, and 3 for yes, Data were obtained by the
researcher by direct interviewed the mother's and completed the structured
questionnaire which developed for this study. The data gathered from mother's at
Babylon maternal and child hospital, the verbal agreements for the participation in the
study are obtained and the interview is carried out individually, All participants were
informed that the study followed ethical standards for research and that all
information collected was strictly confidential. Data were analyzed through the
measurement of frequencies, percentage and chi- Square, the test used to determine
the significant relation of mother's practice and to their - Demographic characteristics
at p value