Beer may be a fat-free and low-sugar beverage, but that doesn’t mean it can’t increase the number on the weighing scale. A single 12-ounce serving of regular beer per night can add over 1,000 calories per week to your diet, accumulating to an additional 15lbs per year.
Every gram of alcohol contains more calories than a gram of carbohydrates or a gram of protein. While carbohydrates and proteins contain only 4 calories per gram, alcohol carries 7 calories per gram. The higher the alcohol content or alcohol by volume (ABV) of beer, the more caloric it is.
Though low-sugar, beer can still affect your blood glucose levels. Its alcohol content can cause blood sugar levels to decrease more rapidly, causing low energy and urging you to eat more because of a stimulated appetite.
The alcohol in beer can interfere with the body’s ability to burn stored fat, contributing to the development of the so-called “beer belly”. What’s more, alcohol is metabolized in the liver, and making the liver metabolize excessive quantities of alcohol can eventually cause it to swell.
Beer places you at risk for dehydration. Owing to its alcohol content, beer is a diuretic, which means that it promotes urination. Drinking too much beer without replacing water lost through more frequent urination can precipitate dehydration, causing symptoms such as throbbing headaches and weakened pulses.