The previous prices can be kept for this trial order until 26th Oct, because we got quite high pressure from raw material suppliers for price increasing. Please kindly understand us.
No doubt that you've paid lots of sincerity when making trial order plan to us, and we really appreciate for your efforts, and also want to support you no matter in prices, quality or payment terms for long term cooperation. However, a better payment terms with credit needs to be carried on step by step along with the development of business relationship and trust between us. For first trial order, sincerely we hope that you could support us with balance payment before shipment so that we can apply better terms for you for future orders.
We understand that you also hope to control the risks in first cooperation. For you to understand our company better, please check the attached company profile of Shanghai FLY (Allead Group) . We hope that we can build a firm partner relationship step by step which will help me to struggle better policy for BJC group.
Kindly, we look forward to your further news. Thanks.