7.2. If Seller not provides information by on time or any promise date or intentionally or not intentionally deliver information that Buyer requested, Seller shall be paid to Buyer 3 (Three) times more of Purchased Prices.
7.3. When Seller delivered false information and delivered information affected to Buyer’s any work project(s) Seller shall be paid total amount(s) of Buyer’s Loss and all expenses of legal action(s) including attorney’s fee.
7.4. If Buyer defaults of payment on time, Seller have a right to repossession of Business License and have a right to no return of any previous payment maid.
7.5. Under this contract, if there is any bleach of contract by both Buyer and Seller, all loss of business and liabilities must paid by within 15 (Fifteen) days.
7.6. If Buyer or Seller does not paid penalties to each party, there shall be 15% (Fifteen Percent) annual interest applied. Interest applied by A.P.R (Annual Percentage Rate) method.
7.7. Definition of default payment is not paid on time unless otherwise both parties are agreed to any reason and it shall be on written consent.
7.8. Written consent shall be no later than 5 (Five) working days from due date.