The training group showed significant reductions
in blood lactate at 80% and 90% and in
carbon dioxide output, and minute ventilation
at 60 o, 80%o, and 90% of the prestudy TVo2
max; there were no significant changes in the
control group (fig 1). There was a significant
increase in mean Vo2 for the training group at
all but one level of Borg ratings after the study
period (fig 2). The changes in submaximal
values differed significantly between the training
and control groups for blood lactate at 80%;
Vco2 at 6V°o, 80%, and 90%; and VE at 80%
and 90°? of the prestudy Vo2 max. At Borg
levels 7 and 11-19 the change in Vo2 in the
training group was significantly greater than
the change in the control group. Linear regression
analysis of the relation between heart rate
and Vo2 showed a reduction in the mean slope
for the training group (before study 0-065
(0-016), after study 0-056 (0-009); p < 0-01),
with no change in the control group (0-064
(0-019) and 0-064 (0-020)).