If fruit dry weight is the most important component of biomass,
total dry weight is a useful trait to improve crop yield as well. Average TDW (g plant
) was lower in the organic system than in the
conventional one only in 2011 (192.1 vs. 326.4), as also highlighted
in Fig. S6. However, if we analyze the 2 years together, organic
cropping system reported −29.0% of TDW (Table 6). The effect of
the year on TDW was, in fact, highly significant, as of the cropping
system and of the cropping system × year, together with the significance of genotype and genotype × year. In 2011, all cultivars had
higher TDW values in the conventional system. Overall, Regent had
the highest total dry weight in the organic system in both years
of cultivation and the same cultivar showed the highest value in
conventional in 2011 only