The weighted
sample used for multivariate models (survivors, n = 1,099)
had 46% men. Among survivors, the racial/ethnic composition of participants was non-Hispanic White (70%),
non-Hispanic Black (17%), Hispanic/Latino (11%), and
other/unspecified (2%). At baseline, about 37% participants reported having graduated from high school, 20%
received some college, and 16% completed college or more.
Approximately 27% had not completed high school at baseline. At baseline, the mean age of the sample was 67 years
(range 50–96 years). Twenty-one percent of surviving participants took insulin. On average, participants had more
than two additional comorbidities and a BMI of 30.58,
which is considered obese. Approximately 13% of respondents reported some difficulty in IADLs. Most participants
(88%) engaged in physical activity at least once per week,
36% drank alcohol, and 9% smoked.