According to the facts, The consideration a tax refund to the company The condition to refund taxation must be filed request about deducted of withholding tax accordance with article. 1 (1) (a) and article 2 of the Regulations No.161 (B.E. 2526) that issued under the Revenue Code. In the subject of pay interest of tax refund to the recipient's on 20 may B.E. 2526. The company must filed P.N.D. 50 and request for tax refund within the specified period.
For the article 2 of the Regulation aforesaid requires that Interest is charged only upon filing of a tax return or a request within the specified period to comply with the article 1(1) (a),(b)(2) and (3) in each case. It does not mean performing some action ( filing PND.50 or Kor.10 within the specified period) then will has the right to receive the interest. Therefore in accounting period B.E. 2535 – 2537 the company filed a request P.N.D. 50 and Kor.10 within the specific period thus has the right to receive the interest. To start charging interest since the next day due to a period of three months from the end of the period for filing according to the law. In accounting period B.E. 2538-2539 the company does not filed PND. 50 within the specified period although will filed Kor.10 within the specified period, so the company has not the right to receive the interest.