Hi Kungqi
I’m Nat, nice to meet you!
Thank you for your interested to do intern at TCDC.
Please see below for the answer in blue.
1. which is the most important thing, is the starting time: I'm now also applying for another program which will most likely begin in June, I do realize this is a three-month long internship so I am now trying avoid the time clash. Therefore. may I start my internship in March?
I'm not sure about March. It may too early for you to come. We will have brainstorm session and the planning in Thai at that time because the whole team are Thai. I don’t want to make you feel like lost in translation at that time. However, I think you still can start at April-May.
2. what kind of things do I need to do when I get to TCDC? I do realize this is a non-paid internship, but I would love to learn new knowledge and gain more experience out of the internship. Therefore, could you give me more information about what will I do there, and perhaps I can do some preparation before I go.
Our department currently doing 3 main things
Creativities Unfold,CU: you can check out the information from this link www.cu-tcdc.com
Our theme for this year is about start-up/innovation design. So at the time you intern at TCDC, you will have to do research about start-up industry then seek for the best potential speakers who related to this theme. Then your job is to write their profile to make them fit in the same format.
Training (Service Design) : Rain, my colleague, will brief you once you are here
Connect: you can learn from this link. http://www.tcdcconnect.com/
Frankly speaking, here it’s not likely for you to learn but it’s more likely to hands on.
3. I myself can speak English, Chinese (mandarin, Cantonese) and some Japanese. however, I do not speak any Thai. shall I started to learn some Thai now?
You don’t need to practice Thai for this short period. I can speaker English with you. (We just need to keep brainstorm session in Thai because we need make the idea flow as smooth as possible for team members)
all in all, it is a great honor to be accepted by you guys, I will do my best in the coming internship.
Great! We are looking forward to see you soon.
Nat Nuttawee Tangnoi
Senior Design and Creative Business Development Officer
Creative Business Development Department
Thailand Creative & Design Center
T. (66)2.664.7667 Ext 146
F. (66)2.664.7670
M. (66)85.151.5045