The bearing capacity of full-flat panels depends on its thickness and quality of the
material from which it was made. The large range of full plate becomes too thick and
heavy, and as such is not economical. If we form the folded structure of the inclined panels,
their vertical projection becomes the height of the folded construction, and thus enables
the smaller thickness of the structural element. By the use of folded structures far
greater ranges can be overcome than by the application of a full flat plate.
Folded structures are spatial structures formed by the elements in the plane, different
in form and materialization. Folded structures differ in: geometric form, the form of a
base over which they are performed, the manner of performance, methods of forming
stiffness, function and position in the building, and the material they are made of.
By using folded structures different spatial forms can be made. The straight elements
forming a folded construction can be of various shapes: rectangular, trapezoidal or triangular.
By combining these elements we get different forms resulting in a variety of shapes
and remarkable architectural expression.
Based on geometric shape folded structures can be divided into (Fig. 1):
folded plate surfaces,
folded plate frames,
spatial folded plate structures.