Valentine’s Day is celebrated by millions around the world to make their love one feel special, love fills the sky, red is seen everywhere and bows, arrows and hearts are hanging on the ceiling. But there’s something wrong with this picture, giving extreme love shouldn’t only happen in one day, it must be done 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year or simply everyday.
Love is a strong weapon against evil; it ends wars, rebuilds friendships, and reinforces connections between lovers. Although it is a strong weapon against evil, sometimes people ignore love, they resist it, despise it so it’s wasted and abandoned and everything that is loveless becomes infested by the devils and therefore that place turns into a wasteland filled with unspeakable horror but this won’t happen as long as there’s love and people will love each other everyday.
There are more than 6 billion people on earth and only a portion of those people give and receive love. Even the poorest person on earth gives love, it even exceeds that of the most powerful man on earth, and why is that? People are blinded by power and wealth but the darkest path can be illuminated by love, so the only thing the poorest person can hold to is love, love given by God and others around him, love given by nature to warm him in coldest night and give him shade on the hottest days, and that is way better than power and wealth.
Even if we are not even born yet, our parents and God already love us. Even if our heart breaks, our parents and God are there to comfort and love us until the wounds of our heart is healed. Even if our parents die and no one’s there for you, our parents together with God in heaven will be there to love you, though you can’t see them, you must know that they’re always there.
Love and be loved, a simple rule to be applied in our everyday life. So why should you give love only on Valentine’s Day when you can love everyday to be loved and be one of the happiest people on earth.