3.2. Phenolic compounds analysis
Supplementation of wheat breads with QL caused an increase of
phenolic compounds content. The amount of chemically extractable
(CE) phenolics was strongly linked with percentage of QL
addition; the lowest TPC was determined for control bread whereas
the highest for bread with 5 g/100 g QL addition (144.35 and
321.01 mg GAE/g DW, respectively). These results which may
indicate lipophilic character of QL phenolics. Contents of bufferextractable
(BE) phenolic in all breads was significantly lower
than those determined in CE and averaged from 56.63 mg GAE/g
DW to 135.28 mg GAE/g DW (C and QL5 breads, respectively).
Simulated gastrointestinal digestion caused a release of phenolics
from all tested breads. Importantly, taking into account the TPC in
the extracts after simulated absorption, the released phenolics
were highly bioavailable in vitro. In the cases of DE and AE, the
highest TPCs were obtained for QL4, whereas the lowest for control
breads. Analysis of extractability factors (EFs) clearly showed that
simulated gastrointestinal tract consists an effective extractor of
phenolic compounds from all samples e about two times more
effective than chemical extraction. These results are most important
(and unexpected) in the light of EF values for BE indicating a
low extractability in the buffer system (Table 2).
3.2. Phenolic compounds analysisSupplementation of wheat breads with QL caused an increase ofphenolic compounds content. The amount of chemically extractable(CE) phenolics was strongly linked with percentage of QLaddition; the lowest TPC was determined for control bread whereasthe highest for bread with 5 g/100 g QL addition (144.35 and321.01 mg GAE/g DW, respectively). These results which mayindicate lipophilic character of QL phenolics. Contents of bufferextractable(BE) phenolic in all breads was significantly lowerthan those determined in CE and averaged from 56.63 mg GAE/gDW to 135.28 mg GAE/g DW (C and QL5 breads, respectively).Simulated gastrointestinal digestion caused a release of phenolicsfrom all tested breads. Importantly, taking into account the TPC inthe extracts after simulated absorption, the released phenolicswere highly bioavailable in vitro. In the cases of DE and AE, thehighest TPCs were obtained for QL4, whereas the lowest for controlbreads. Analysis of extractability factors (EFs) clearly showed thatsimulated gastrointestinal tract consists an effective extractor ofphenolic compounds from all samples e about two times moreeffective than chemical extraction. These results are most important(and unexpected) in the light of EF values for BE indicating alow extractability in the buffer system (Table 2).
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