7 The competition day arrives
At last the big day came. Nutty hoomey and jazz met early at the factory and began to get the horses ready. Nails was late. Perhaps he was still asleep in his field with Firelight Nutty thought crossly.
Jazz’s father was driving them to Swallow Hall Mr Potter was meeting them there with the guns and Uncle Bean and biddy would arrive at lunchtime with the horses. When they were ready to go Nails had still not arrived. Nutty began to feel sick with worry. In the end they left without him.
What’ll we do if Nails doesn’t come? Hoomey asked.
We’ll just have to be twice as good. Right? Nutty said bravely. We can do it.
Hoomey and jazz were silent. They all knew that Nails was their best swimmer and their best runner. Without him they would probably fail.
Jazz had never been anywhere as grand as Swallow Hall before and he felt that everyone was looking at his dark skin and his turban. But nutty didn’t seem to care how grand it was although she found she was the only girl in the competition.
It’s for boys I told you said Seb. He appeared out of the crowd looking very cool. They don’t usually let girls compete. And you haven’t got a chance.
I know what I’m doing. Just go away Seb dear Nutty replied. She turned to the others. Let’s walk round the cross-country course she said. She knew she wouldn’t be strong enough to do it after the swim.
Hoomey walked round smiling at all the jumps like old friends. Are you all right hoomey? Nutty asked him worried. But hoomey just went on smiling.
Jazz looked miserable. I hate the riding he said.
Spot can do it replied Nutty if you make him. And you must. You and Nails are our best scorers in the other things.
God where was Nails?
He still wasn’t there when they got back for the shooting.
He can shoot later the official said.
Seb and others were shooting and their score was not bad. Then it was Hawkwood’s turn.
Nutty didn’t do well at first but then she pretended it was Seb’s face on the target. She hit his nose his ears and his mouth and got a much better score. Jazz did well too but hoomey’s score was the worst. He hit Jazz’s target twice.
You know I’m no good Nutty he said.
Come on said nutty. The swimming there was nothing you could do with Hoomey except kill him.
They got changed ready for the swimming and came back to watch Seb’s team. Then Hoomey realized that he’d left his goggles in the changing-room and went to get them. When he came back Colin one of the Greycoats team was swimming. He was very good indeed and Nutty stared. Seb said that Colin was their worst swimmer.
But that can’t be Colin said hoomey. I’ve just seen Colin in the changing-room.
So that was why Colin was swimming so well everyone looked the same in goggles and it wasn’t Colin at all. They’d cheated none of the officials noticed anything and when they had finished the swimming the Greycoats team all disappeared fast. Nutty was wild with anger.
Then it was Hawkwood’s turn to swim. Four minutes of hard swimming felt like a long slow death to nutty but she kept going up and down up and down and when it was over they had to pull her out of the water. When at last she could see again Jazz was swimming beautiful – but there was still no Nails.
Nutty went to get dressed and when she came out to meet the others she looked over towards the swimming pool. And at that moment she saw a boy run in and start talking to the swimming officials. Nutty stared. Then she shouted to the others look there he is now we’ve got a chance of winning.
Nails had come at last.