Benton Vandiver III received BSEE from
the University of Houston in 1979. He began
his career with the Substation Division of
Houston Lighting & Power, in 1978
engineering relay protection systems for all
T&D voltages. In 1991 he joined Multilin
Corp. as a Project Manager on a team
responsible for designing and developing a
new family of utility grade digital relays. In
1995 he joined OMICRON electronics as
Sales & Application Engineer responsible for sales, training, and promotion of
the revolutionary CMC Universal Test Set to North & South America.
He is currently Technical Director for OMICRON Electronics Corp.
USA in Houston, TX. He is a long time member of IEEE and is Chairman of
Working Group H5-C Common Data Format for IED Sampled Data. He holds
a US Patent and has authored or co-authored numerous technical papers for
various conferences in North America.