You have spoken. You said many thing. But you've never done as you say.
You said you love me more than what I've seen. But you go to play with others.
* When you're in front of me. You act as good girl. You make me damn blur. You're bitchy…
I could not stand it. You are too naughty…
Get away from me. Never believed you… anymore anymore (Get away get away)
** Please get away out of my life. I don't want to see your face. My time for you it has no more. Because you broke my trust. No more lie. Say good bye.
I don't want to hear your words. Please get away out of my life/ as fast as you can go.
This is a last chance for you to go. Before I hate you like crazy.
If you still want to keep good memory. Please take it, baby. This's for you.