Hi honey how are you?how was your night i am missing you so much my love just pray for me always the crisis is very serious here. Sorry fir the late response, i have been very very busy since i arrive here. My love i read your message this morning,i was very happy to see your message again,my Angel i can not send the money through western union or money gram here in Afghanistan due to the ongoing crisis now, and i don't have bank account here in this village, that was why i put it in those gifts to my friend. About your question, well honestly speaking i don't know about women in Thailand. But i am sure that i found true love in you. I became a soldier because i believe it is my call, i like saving people out of trouble, i see it as a hobby.
Darling my friend wrote an email to me that he has finally arrived in his country IN Ghana
My angel you have to send him your contact address and full details, such as follows below.
(Full name as in your pass port or ID Card, Home address, Mobile number) so that he can send you the gifts through DHL CARGO DELIVERY SERVICE
Remember i don't want my friend to know about the money in the teddy bear please remain silent over the money in the teddy bear
until the package reaches you then you can open the teddy bear and take out the money and use it for the original plan and
purposes for which i gave it to you.Below is my friends contacts address whom will send you the gifts through DHL CARGO DELIVERY
SERVICE so my dear contact him now
His names are MR FREDERICK GILBERT, he is a retired ARMY GENERAL
his email is( frederickgilbert48@outlook.com)
please do not forget the money inside the teddy beer when you receive the gift
My Angel also remember to alert me immediately you receive the gift from him
i love you my sweet heart.
All my love