Carbohydrate Extracted Solution-- After the autoclaving process is finished the solution we get that is called the carbohydrate extracted solution At this stage the solution is with divided carbohydrate cells. A manual filtering process is done here to find Adjusting out any coarse particles ofalgal powder. This is important for the next step ofPH adjustment.
Adjusting PH of the Solution-- A suitable pH value(4.5-5) must have to be adjusted for the fermentation. In our process pH is adjusted by using manual pH meter. For this process concentrated sulfuric acid's diluted solution and NaoH solution were used. Although it was tried to make the sample solution as much as better from suspension type but the pH adjustment took a long time. This may cause from the little bit precipitation formation tendency of solution. The pH adjustment of solution is done at the lab with the help of experienced lab attendant. Almost for all the samples the pH was tried to keep at the range of4.5-5.0
Steam sterilization of the solution-- Sterilization(or sterilisation) is a term referring to any process that eliminates(removes) or kills all forms of life, including transmissible agents(such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) present on a surface, contained in a fluid, in medication, or in a compound such as biological culture media.For our process terilization ensures the absence of any other microorganisms in the solution that can hamper the fermentation In our process autoclaving. process, we have used steam sterilization. This is almost the same process as the autoclave for The same autoclave is used here for the sterilization. The sample solution is kept in the 15 minutes at 12 TC and thus the solution is sterilized