TABLE 2.1 Level of Rigor Comparison : Competency Modeling versus Job Analysis Variable.
Evaluative criteria
1, Method of investigation and data collection
2 type of descriptor content collected. 3.procedures for developing descriptor content.
4.Level of detail of descriptor content
5.Linking research results to business goals.
6.Extent of descriptor content review b 7.Ranking or prioritizing of descriptor content
8.Assessment of reliability of results b 9.Retention criteria for items and categories.
10.Documentation of research process. Nonevaluative criteria
l, Focus on core competencies.
2. Focus on technical skills
3. Organizational fit versus job match. 4. Focus on values and personality orientation
5. Face validity of content.
6. Training and development applications 7, Selection and decision applications.
Note. Taken from Schippmann et al. (2000). modeling. "Rated more rigorous for competency Rated more rigorous for job analysis.