Welcome page contains two fields that are IP Address and status of user. IP Address is used for connecting the server
to the mobile client using Stream Socket Connection. For the connection the remote desktop IP address is given in the
mobile and the desktop IP address will be stored temporarily. The status of user is used for determine the process
future. If the user is new then he has to select the User Registration option or else he can select the User Login options.
Only the registered users can use this service. So the users should register his user name and password which will
then be sent to the server. Once the user registered then he can login to the service by entering the username and
password. User can also add any number of registered users to his list as a friend or friend member.
The server also gets user location coordinates and stores it in the database and then it calculates the distance
between two mobile devices that is two friends or family members based on the coordinates information stored in the
database and sends alert message if the friends are nearer to each other.
In order to update the user location in server, the mobile request the location of the user from GPS. The GPS
determines the longitude and latitude and sends the information to the mobile phone. Therefore in order to build a
location based application we need java MID2.0 enabled and JSR 179 compliant mobile phone. The mobile phone
should have a built-in GPS unit.