3.3 Linking web sources of music
In PHENICX, we should extract information about performers
and instruments, aim for a multimodal approach
which enriches the presentation with videos, images and
other supporting material, including possible alternative
performances of the same piece. This means that different
sources of music information need to be linked together.
Classical music is ontologically more complex than pop
music: in many cases, we are not just dealing with songs
performed by artists, but with a piece consisting of multiple
movements, written by a composer, and interpreted by
varying groups of performing artists. In terms of Semantic
Web technology facilities, the Music Ontology [13] is a
rare example of an ontology which has been expanded to
deal with classical music cases, and as such will be of active
interest for PHENICX. However, in the imperfect real
world, (metadata) information on classical music may not
always be cleanly and consistently labeled following this
ontology. Therefore, effort will be investigated in techniques
to still match this imperfect data.
As an example of a multimodal music information system
involving web-scale information, [14] should be mentioned,
presenting a systemoffering information about similarities
between music artists or bands, prototypicality of
an artist or a band for a genre, descriptive properties of an
artist or a band, band members and instrumentation, and
images of album cover artwork is performed. Once again,
this system was aimed at popular music, and it should be
verified to what extent the approach will translate to the
classical domain.