How Humans Discovered Coffee
Coffee beans - fruitAs with many foods which have been around for hundreds of years, the beginning of coffee is wrapped in mystery and myth. There was a known Ethiopian legend when Kaldi, a goat-herder, noticed some energizing effects when his flock was eating the red berries of a particular bush or tree, he then chewed some of the fruit for himself. The goat-herder dutifully reported and brought some of the berries to a monk in his local monastery. However the monk did not approve of their use, and the monk threw the berries into a fire, from which an alluring aroma billowed forth, causing other monks to go and investigate. Roasted beans were then raked in the embers, grinded and then dissolved with hot water, producing the first cup of coffee in the world. Then knowledge of the energizing effects of these berries spread and as word moved to the east until coffee reached the Arabian Peninsula where it began its journey, spreading its reputation across the world.