The woman from the photo released by police, in which she is wearing a hijab, is 26-year-old Wanna Suansan. She's originally from Phang Nga, a province in southern Thailand, Prawut told CNN.
She is the only suspect Thai authorities have identified by name to date, but her mother has told police that she left Thailand two months ago "to stay with her husband in Turkey," police Col. Saharat Saksilapachai said.
Wanna herself has denied any involvement, according to the police official. She admitted renting an apartment room in Bangkok, though she claimed she gave it up almost a year ago.
She said that she's in Turkey with her baby and husband, who is Turkish, according to Saharat. The police colonel added that he believed Wanna would willingly come back to Thailand and answer authorities' questions "if the government would help her come home."
Despite her denials, Saharat said Thai police still consider Wanna a suspec