Episode 68: Is the cat ill?
Helen: Hey guys, do you think the cat's okay?
Alice: The cat? Seems fine to me. Why?
Helen: I think we should take her to the vet. She doesn't seem right.
Alice: She's fine.
Helen: No, she's not! You guys never listen to me. Tim, can you take her to the vet?
Tim: I'm sorry Helen. I'm up to my ears in work at the moment. Anyway, she seems fine, aren't you Kitty?
Helen: I told you she's not well! Right, if you lot don't care, I'll take her!
Tim: Blimey, what's up with her?
Alice: Oh, she's just a bit down in the dumps at the moment.
Tim: Right. Why's that?
Alice: Tim! You're such a bloke, aren't you?