If the HCG blood test or urine test is positive:
It is important to continue the medication exactly as prescribed for the first trimester. Your hormones are already artificially raised and so you must maintain that level until the placenta is strong enough to support the baby on its own.
You should advise your GP that you are pregnant and you will be registered with a midwife and entered into the program for pregnant women in your country.
At 7 weeks gestation (count 7 weeks from day 1 of your last period) you can have an ultrasound scan to confirm how many embryos have implanted and to check for the foetal heart beat.
If the HCG blood test is negative:
All medication should be stopped. You will experience a bleed approximately one to two weeks after stopping medication once the hormones leave your system.
If the urine test is negative:
You must continue taking the medication for two further days and then repeat the pregnancy test with first morning urine. If the result is again negative then you can stop medication.
Please note that whatever the result, our International Patient Coordinators will continue to provide help, advice and support.