Have you ever been asked this question while applying for a job in the aviation industry? I bet you have!
It is the most basic question an interviewer can ask you to assess your inclination towards the career. By asking such a question, he is able to evaluate whether you are aware of the job requirements, and if you are, if you would be keen to transform it into a career, by choice.
Yes, ‘choice’ is an important aspect for any interviewer to judge an interviewee. People often apply for jobs because they need one or because they have been driven by a whim to do so. Being a flight attendant is a serious job that requires many responsibilities. It thus makes sense for an interviewer to understand your reasons to ensure that you are really suitable for the position.
Sea also – Flight Attendant Job Interview
Let’s use the following illustration to help us understand this:
Interviewer: “Why do you want to become a flight attendant?”
► Interviewee 1: “I have always thought of being a flight attendant, ever since I was a child. I dreamt of interacting with people and traveling to places. I feel the job will help me realize my dream.”
► Interviewee 2: “I look forward to making a career in an industry in which I can interact with and serve people. By being a flight attendant, I will get an opportunity to interact with diverse people and address to their needs. This will aptly hone my innate interpersonal skills.”
Let’s see which one of the two has answered more appropriately and why.
Analysis of Interviewee 1: Interviewee 1 has given a vague reason why she wants to be a flight attendant. Dreaming of being a flight attendant does not mean that she has the right skills and temperament for the job. Thus, her answer doesn’t prove to the interviewee that she is the right candidate. It does, though, clearly demonstrate her high motivation level, which is good but slightly misses the target.
Analysis of Interviewee 2: Clearly, interviewee 2 seems to be more practical and aware of the job requirements. She has stated that she has the right skills and temperament to meet the needs of the job. She appears to have a ‘vision’ as she mentions that she wants to make a ‘career’ in an industry ‘in which [she] can interact with and serve people,’ having the required self awareness.
Thus, she is most likely to be considered for the job.
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Travel Industry Job Interviews