There are currently twenty-nine
universities in English-speaking countries that use or
are mentioned in connection with the Balanced
Scorecard. Twenty-nine questionnaires were then
distributed directly to the unit in each university that
uses the Balanced Scorecard. In cases where the
Balanced Scorecard was used for the university as a
whole, the questionnaire was distributed to the
member of senior management that is responsible
for its implementation. The questionnaire was
constructed on the website and an email was sent to
staff in the unit that uses the Balanced Scorecard
in each university asking them to fill in the
questionnaire, with the address of the website
provided. The data obtained from each questionnaire
was gathered from the website after the deadline
was passed. This method is selected because it
enables the questionnaire to be directed to the most
appropriate person, the one with experience in using
the Balanced Scorecard for a university. The
information gained in this part is used as a basis for
the study in the second part.