PZ Wolfe Waves designed to detect harmonic pattern Wolfe Waves, based on the absolute minimum and a maximum of price. PZ Wolfe Waves Indicator, using the Wolfe Waves, allows to reveal of price reversal and is not repaint.
The accuracy of PZ Wolfe Waves indicator caused by the fact that it is waiting for a breakthrough in the direction of the current wave before the give the signal to enter the market, which increases the number of profitable trades.
Characteristics of PZ Wolfe Waves
Platform: Metatrader4
Currency pairs: Any currency pairs (recommended Major)
Trading Time: Around the clock
Timeframe: Any, recomended H4 and D1
Recommended broker: Alpari
The signals by PZ Wolfe Waves to enter the market
The signals to enter on the market PZ Wolfe Waves draws as arrows corresponding color and direction, as well as duplicates of sound, text alerts and messages to e-mail.
Example of Buy Signal:
Example of Sell Signal:
For more information about the indicator you can see in this video:
Note that trade efficiency can be increased through the installation on the graph of several indicators PZ Wolfe Waves with different periods.
In the archive PZ_Wolfe_Waves.rar:
PZ Wolfe Waves.tpl
Free Download PZ Wolfe Waves