Sweet potatoes are generally dried to low moisture content for long term storage (Chen, 2002). Rapid and efficient drying techniques and methods that could minimize the nutrient loss have acquired considerable attention, although dehydration is probably the oldest method of food preservation practiced by mankind (Antonio et al., 2008). The possibility of using sweet potato flour in noodles and other wheat-based foods has been investigated by different researchers. Sweet potato flour can be used as an ingredient in bread, biscuits, cake, juice and noodles (Zhang and Oates, 1999). Sweet potato roots can be processed into products, such as cookies, biscuits, muffins, noodles, breakfast foods and pies, with longer shelf-life, and improved characteristics. Sweet potatoes are less bulky and more stable than the highly perishable fresh root. Also, it can be used as a thickener in soup, gravy and fabricated snacks. It can also serve as a substitute for cereal flours, especially for individuals diagnosed with celiac disease.