17.With some exceptions, cities look the same, suburbs look the same, and everything is zoned. Don't expect your suburban neighborhood to be full of cool stores, boutiques, or bars. (Though we have to admit, this is a trend that is changing)
16. Piggybacking on the last point (and the one about public transport), if you do happen to want to go to a restaurant or a store you will absolutely, categorically need a car…unless you live in a big city.
15. Portion sizes are beyond massive. Coupled with the car culture it is easy to see why obesity is more prevalent than in other parts of the world
14. The government has much less say in your life than in other countries and there is far less regulation of food, health, family life, education etc.
13.Guns! Yes, this is a prime example of the last point. It is insanely easy for you to purchase a gun. But no, most Americans have never been in or seen a gun battle. The country is safer than the news would suggest.