Abstract— Ferrography is a technique for analyzing the particles present in fluids that indicate mechanical wear. Ferrography provides Microscopic Examination and Analysis of Debris (particles) found in lubricating oils. These particles consist of metallic and non-metallic matter. The metallic particle is a wear condition that separates different size and shapes of metallic dust from components like all type of bearings, gears or coupling (if lubricated in path). Non-metallic particle consists of dirt, sand or corroded metallic particle. Analytical ferrography is among the most powerful diagnostic tools in oil analysis in tribology. When implemented correctly it provides a tremendous information on machine under operation. Yet, it is frequently excluded from oil analysis programs because of its comparatively high price and a general misunderstanding of its value. Performance may be improved through proper filtration of oil. Clean oil lubrication is always more effective. Adopting approach of oil replacement is expensive. A rapid centrifuged and/ or magnetic separator cleaning system helps cost cutting and disposal of used oil, as well. Ferrography also helps improving filtration efficiency and frequency for oil cleaning systems.