Milk protein concentrates (MPCs) are dairy powders produced
by concentrating the protein in skim milk with ultrafiltration followed
by evaporative concentration, and spray drying to about 5 g
water 100 g1. Membrane filtration
partially removes lactose and minerals such that the final spray
dried product contains 42e85 g protein 100 g1. Diafiltration
removes more lactose and minerals from the retentate and is utilized
when producing MPCs that contain equal to or greater than
70 g protein 100 g1 . Protein
content (g protein 100 g1) in an MPC powder is distinguished
by its numerical accompaniment, but the ratio of casein to whey
(80:20) is consistent with that typical in fluid skim milk.
MPCs are used in processed cheese applications, cultured dairy
products, nutritional products, and protein standardizations
. MPCs with high-protein (e.g., 70 g protein 100 g1) have
limited use in some applications because they have poor solubility
at ambient temperature