The result showed significant
response of bio-fertilizers on growth and
productivity of wheat (Table 3). Combined
application of bio-fertilizers caused
considerable increase in plant height over
all the treatments. Tillering enhanced
significantly due to application of biofertilizers
either alone or in combination.
Greater tillering was noticed when the crop
received combined (T9) treatment than
other treatments. Similar trend of results
was also observed in case of yield
components of wheat ie ears/m2, grains/ ear
and 1000 grain weight (g) increased
significantly when the crop received biofertilizers
either alone or combined.
Accordingly, the highest grain yields were
recorded when the crop received combined
bio-fertilizers. From the above results it may
be stated that the use of bio-fertilizers is
beneficial in improving the growth and
productivity of wheat. Corroborative
findings have been reported by Sharma and
Singh (2008) for wheat grown under
irrigation and fertility variables.